Kite Spots Kite Zones Kitesurfing Maps Punta Trettu Punta Trettu Flat Water Punta Trettu Kite Beach Sardinia

Punta Trettu in Sardinia, the best Kite Spot in Europe

Sardinia offers many kite spots for kitesurfing: kite spots for wave lovers as well kite spots for foilers, for freestylers and also for beginners. Among all kite spots of Sardinia, one of the best kite spots, considered one of the best spot for kitesurfing, is Punta Trettu, in the south west of Sardinia. In this page we will describe the kite spot of Punta Trettu.

Punta Trettu, the best kite spot with flat and shallow water

The Kite Spot of Punta Trettu in Sardinia

Punta Trettu is a fantasti kite spot in the South West of Sardinia. It is a tip (Punta) that faces straight ahead (“Trettu” in Sardinian, “Dritta” in Italian) to the island of Sant’Antioco.

Punta Trettu The Best Kite Spot in Europe
Punta Trettu Kitesurf Sardinia

Punta Trettu is a famous Kitesurfing spot due to:

  • shallow and flat water, that makes kitesurfing  easy and funny, specially for beginners;
  • constantly blowing winds of Mistral, Scirocco, Ponente and Levante.

Characteristics of the kite spot of Punta Trettu

  • Minimun level required: Beginner
  • Sea bed: Sandy
  • The best wind: Mistral
  • Water shape: Flat
  • Wind for waves: –
  • Distance from the center of Cagliari: 85 km
  • Distance from parking: 10 min by walk
  • Water temperature:  15 °C (winter) – 25 °C (summer)
  • Wind range: 10-40 Knots

Punta Trettu in Sardinia: the paradise for Kitesurfing

Many famous kiters consider the kite spot of Punta Trettu in Sardinia the best flat and shallow water kite spot in Europe.
Punta Trettu works perfectly with:

  • north-west (Mistral) wind
  • south-east (Scirocco) wind

That are the predominant winds in Sardinia. Punta Trettu works even well with East (Levante) and West (Ponente) winds.

The characteristics that make Punta Trettu a kite paradise are:

  • shallow and flat water,
  • good winds,
  • enough space for everyone.

For the above reasons, Punta Trettu is a perfect spot to learn to kitesurf for beginners, intermediate and advanced.

Punta Trettu Kitesurf Sardinia
Punta Trettu, the Best Kite Spot in Sardinia

Kite Zones in Punta Trettu

Although in Punta Trettu there are no swimmers, because of the shallow water, the small beach, the constantly blowing wind, there are kite zones where kitesurfing is allowed and zone where kitesurfing is absolutely forbidden.

The kite zones where kitesurfing is allowed and the areas where kitesurfing is not possible are:

  • Kite zones of Punta Trettu where is possible to kitesurf
    • Kite Zone dedicated to the official kite schools of Punta Trettu,
    • Kite Zone dedicated to the independent kiters that are independent as they have at least the Kite Level 5). This Kite Zone is always  shallow and perfect for freestyle.
  • Zones of Punta Trettu where kitesurfing is not allowed
    • The part of the spot close to the boat navigation channel. For the sea law, kiters should stay 500 meters far from the boat routes and the harbors.

Who will kitesurf in the kite zones where kitesurfing is not allowed could incur into a fine from the sea police and Guard Coast.

This video can give an idea of the zones of Punta Trettu where is possible to kitesurf.

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Punta Trettu Kite Center
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