Kite Course for Children in Punta Trettu Sardinia

The Kite Course for Children is addressed both to children that would like to learn to Kitesurf. This Kite Course is addressed both to Kids that have no experience with sailing and to Kids who already have previous experience with sailing or windsurfing or kitesurfing.

Description of the Kite Course for Kids

  • Type of Course: Private
  • Duration: 6 hours or more
  • Experience required: None
  • Kite Equipment: included, provided by the kite school

The kite course for children is a 6-hour course, aimed at children up to 12 years. At the end of this kitesurfing course, the child will know the basics of kite control (both on land and at sea), will know how to relaunch the kite from the water and do the bodydrag. The execution of the water start phase will depend by child and child. In fact, sometimes it is possible to do the water starts, other times it is necessary to continue with the kite control phase up to an adequate level.

Kite Course for Children in Punta Trettu Sardinia
Kite Course for Children in Punta Trettu Sardinia

Use of appropriate Kite Equipment and sailing-game approach

Our Kite School, the Punta Trettu Kite Center Sardinia has adopted appropriate kite material and techniques for the young kiters: from the choice of the best weather conditions, to the use of the right kite equipment to the methodologies, everything is adapted to let the young students learning fast with safety and happyness.

Kite Equipment for Teaching the Children

The Children Kite Course is carried out using an appropriate kitesurf equipment (such as wetsuits, harness, kites, etc)suitable for the age and weight of the child and with the sailing-game approach.

The kites used for the Kite course for children are particular kites that generate less power than a normal kite, that will allow to discover the traction of the kite in a completely safety and that will allow a 100% de-powering as soon as the bar is left. In addition, when required, short lines, to redduce the wind window (decreasing consequently the pulling of the kite). Finally big boards will be used to make easier the first waterstarts.

The Methodologies and the Sailing-Game Approach used for Teaching the Children

Children need a specific teaching methodology. Keeping in mind that, for a child, it is hard to maintain a high level of attention for a long time, the kite lessons for kids are running with the sailing-game approch. With this approach the children and young people will learn kitesurfing with practice, in an almost playful way, and also what should be learned in theoretical way become a game.

Also the approach of the instructor will change according to the children. Our kitesurfing lessons are hold only by certified instructors with years of experience. In addtions, the children will wear radio helmet in order the instructor can be constantly in touch with the child and give him real-time instructions.

Whenever possible, the child will be teached with other children in order to make the kite course more funny, to allow each child to learn from the other children, and to develop the sense of cooperation that in the sea is mandatory.

Punta Trettu, the Best Kite Spot forteaching kitesurf to children

The Kite Beach of Punta Trettu is the perfect kite spot to allow the children to learn kitesurfing in total safety:

  • Flat water,
  • Shallow water,
  • Steady winds,
  • Big spaces available without obstacles.


Parents are welcome to follow their children during classes either by kiting nearby but also by actively following the lesson so that they can see the emotions of their kids.

For any additional info, do not hesitate to contact us!



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